Sound Healing

In Person Sessions
For all IN PERSON sessions, please use the form at the bottom of this page to book in a free consultation prior to booking. All in person sessions are conducted in South West London / Surrey.

Virtual Sessions
If you require help choosing the best session for you please use the form at the bottom of this page to book in a free consultation, otherwise you can book your session by clicking the BOOK NOW button next to your chosen service.
Sound Healing with Gongs / Gong Therapy - 1.5 hours
The healing vibrations of the gong can take you into a state of deep relaxation and works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. You can be sitting or lying down for the session and there may be other instruments used. There will be a short period of silence at the end allowing you to absorb the sounds. Every experience is unique. You may feel lighter, calmer, relaxed and a sense of oneness or unity with all around you and a deep sense of inner peace.
Sound Healing with the Voice - 1 hour
Sound healing using the voice can be used to enhance overall wellbeing and health. Sound healing is the therapeutic application of sound frequencies to the body or mind of a person with the intention of bringing them into a state of harmony, heath and balance and can be accompanied with a sense of deep relaxation. It is the application of sound through the voice to balance the mind, body and spirit.
Sound Healing with Tuning Forks - 1 hour
The sounds and vibrations transmitted by tuning forks are felt within the aura and energy system. They can be used to work on the energy centres and meridians to clear blockages in the energy channels and to align and bring the energy system into balance. Tuning forks can be used within a sound healing session or as a therapy on their own.
Assemblage Point Healing & Sound Healing - 1.5 hours
This session combines Assemblage Point healing with sound healing. The Assemblage Point is the main place where our energy field connects with our physical body and is directly connected with our life force energy. If the assemblage point is too low, a person may experience depression and constant fatigue. If the assemblage point if too high, a person may display manic behaviour. The session will involve using shamanic practices to bring the assemblage point back into alignment thereby enhancing vitality so the client may feel healthy and balanced and is then followed by sound healing.
Sound Healing with Crystal Bowls - 1 hour
The sounds produced by a crystal bowl are pure and angelic in nature. Each bowl is tuned to a particular note which will resonate with your chakras, energy field, and on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, re-balancing and removing any blockages that you may have.
Sound Healing with Himalayan Bowls - 1 hour
As the bowls comprise several metals, they do not produce one tone like the crystal bowls. They will have one dominant tone which will change depending on what type of playing stick is used to play the bowl. The bowls can be used to realign and balance the energy system, which in turn starts the healing process on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. The bowls may be played around you or placed on your body and played.
Sonic Massage with Himalayan Bowls - 1 hour
The sonic massage is a session where the Himalayan Bowls may be placed on your body and the sound vibrations massaged into your body creating a deeply relaxing experience.
Sound Healing with Drumming - 1 hour
The power of the ancient drum and its use for healing is universal. Drum therapy and group drumming has been observed to help reduce stress, increase the body’s own healing and wellbeing responses, form and strengthen bonds between individuals and support the management of a wide range of issues, including addiction, chronic pain and behavioural patterns in youngsters. Healing and transformation can take place through the sounds of the drum, voice, medicine songs, rattle, bells and feathers, for individuals, groups, community and the Earth. The drumming healing session can take place with the client standing, sitting or lying down.
Sound Healing with Ocean Drumming - 1 hour
Become deeply immersed in the soothing sounds of the sea and ocean waves of the universe. Allow the healing waters to cleanse and wash away any tension, leaving you feeling calm, relaxed and balanced. Ocean drum healing can take place with the client seated or lying down
Sound Healing with Crystals - 1 hour
Sound Healing with Crystals combines crystal layouts, grids and techniques with sound to heal, cleanse, balance and energise the energy body and system by removing blockages. You can allow yourself to relax, absorb and bathe in the healing effects of sounds and crystals in this session.
Sound Healing with Colour - 1 hour
Sound Healing with Colour is a session which involves the combination of colour and sound together, which is particularly effective in balancing the energy system and releasing blockages from the body. You can allow yourself to relax, absorb and bathe in the healing effects of sounds and colour in this session.
Group Shamanic Drumming Circles - 1.5 hours
Drumming circles can be a creative and fun exploration into shamanic drumming which may build a deeper connection within, with others through meeting new people and building a cohesive community. In addition to drum and rattle healing, various themes such as elements, power animals, moon or nature cycles can be explored using a variety of rhythms, medicine songs or chants.
Sound Healing with Conch - 1 hour
Since ancient times, various sizes of conch shell trumpets were used as a wind instrument in calls to prayer, acknowledging the wind or sacred directions; for timekeeping; as a signal to nearby villages; to signify the start of battles or used in sacred ceremonies or rituals in indigenous and Aztec cultures. It can also be used to clear the energy field, create sacred space and remove intrusive energies. You can be standing or lying down for the session and will experience the powerful sounds and vibrations of the conch resounding around and through their body.
Channelled Sound Healing - 1 hour
In Channelled Sound Healing you may experience the healing effects of multi-dimensional tones and sounds.
Sonic Language of the Light - 1 hour
Language of the Light or also referred to as Light Language is the language of the soul and contains light codes or keys that may reconnect and activate dormant parts of ourselves and may bring us new perspectives and teachings. The sound healer is in an altered state of consciousness and acting as a channel to allow these vibrations to come through.
Group Light Language & Energy Transmissions - 1 hour
Group Light Language & Energy Transmissions comprise clearing & healing energetic transmissions of multi-dimensional high frequency light language & light codes to harmonise & balance your energy field & system working across physical, emotional, mental & spiritual layers. It may also include channelled messages from loving high frequency light beings such as ascended masters, angels, galactic guides, relevant for our time period. It may also include energy healing for the collective and planetary level.
Group Qigong & Gong Sound Bath Meditation - 1.5 hours
30 minutes gentle Qigong followed by 1 hour Gong Sound Bath Meditation
You may initially be moving your body through various Qigong movements to bring balance, followed by lying down for a gong sound bath using the voice or instruments such as gongs, Himalayan or crystal bowls, drum, harp, rattles, flute, chimes and other percussion instruments or both voice and instruments or channelled sounds and light language.
Group Gong Sound Bath Meditation - 1 hour
Feel deeply relaxed and enjoy total relaxation bathing in the healing sounds of the gong. Allow vibrations to soothe your mind, body & spirit as you release the stresses of your daily life. Experience an array of sound textures including Gong, Himalayan Bowls, Chimes & an eclectic mix of percussion instruments to promote deep relaxation, calm & balance.