Key Qualifications / Certifications / Training

BSc (Hons); FCCA; Chartered MCSI; IMC; AdvCtHyp; GQHP; DipHyp; DipRTh;

DipSR; Dip.Spiritual Counselling; Dip.Holistic Healing Practitioner; Cert.Spiritual Life Coach; Cert.Soul Transformation Therapist; Cert. STT Atlantean Paddle Practitioner; Cert.Soul Plan Teacher; Cert. Chi Kung Instructor; Cert. Past-Life Regression Therapist & Akashic Records Reader; Ct LBL; MCSH; MCMA; IPHM; MNCIP


  1. Angelic Reiki Practitioner and Master Teacher; DNA, Karma and Cellular Cleansing Workshop; Archangel Michael Abundance and Manifestation Workshop; Learn How to Channel; Master Energy Colour Healing Practitioner Workshop; Master Energy Colour Healing Teaching Workshop; Understanding the Spiritual Laws: The Academy of Angelic Healing
  2. Certified Mediumship Levels I & II; Certified Spiritual Healer; Certified Psychic Intuitive; Certified Spiritual Life Coach: James Van Praagh School of Mystical Arts
  3. Exploring Trance Mediumship: Donna Stewart
  4. Spirit Release Diploma; Earth Healing and Space Clearing Parts 1-3: Spirit Release Forum  
  5. Remote Spirit Release Practitioner: Dr Terry Palmer
  6. Earth Alchemy & Space Clearing Practitioner Parts 1-3; Akashic Records Practitioner Parts1-3; Akashic Connections Alchemist Wisdom Oracle Card workshop; Dowsing for Health I, II; Foundation in Feng Shui: Vicky Sweetlove
  7. Foundation and Advanced Certificate in Hypnosis; Regression Therapy Diploma, Advanced Energy, Advanced Spirit Release, Spiritual Emergency, Space Clearing; Between Lives Spiritual Regression: Past Life Regression Academy
  8. Hypnotherapy Diploma: London College of Hypnotherapy
  9. Ancestral Healing; Soul Retrieval; Spirit Release; Energetic Awareness: School of Intuition and Healing
  10. Spiritual Life Coach; Soul Plan Reader; Advanced Soul Plan Reader; Soul Plan Teacher; Soul Transformation Therapist; Atlantean Paddles (Soul Transformation Therapy Level II);  Spiritual Counselling Diploma; Holistic Healing Practitioner Diploma; Chi Kung Instructor; Past-Life Regression Therapy & Akashic Records Reading; Holistic Healing College; Psycho Spiritual Psychotherapy Diploma: College of Contemporary Therapy
  11. Assemblage Point Healing (Simon Heather); How to Run a Group Sound Bath (Sound Bath Training Course); Sound Healing with the Voice Practitioner; Sound Healing with the Voice Teacher Training; Crystals and Sound: Working with Crystals using The Keys Of Sound;  Drumming Practitioner;  Sacred Drumming Teacher Training; Crystal Bowls & Himalayan Bowls Practitioner; Gong Practitioner (Sheila Whittaker); Sonic Journey for the Soul: Light Language; Shamanic Healing Practitioner (Simon Heather); Shamanic Healing Teacher Training;  Assemblage Point Teacher Training; An Exploration into Gong Voicing, Toning with the Gong; Ocean Drumming Practitioner Training: College of Sound Healing
  12. The Yoga of Vocal Sound: James D'Angelo; An Introduction to Authentic Voice for Wellbeing; Sound Healing Voice Meditation Workshop: Alexandra Rigazzi-Tarling
  13. Channelling Levels 1-3: Janet Treloar; Opening to Channel: Spirituelle; Program for bringing the power of your multidimensional soul to the human you; Advanced studies in multidimensionality; Divine Feminine bringing in unity consciousness; How to Channel Light Language; The Jigsaw Puzzle Trilogy: The Atlantean Frequency; The Egyptian God & Goddess Frequency; The Lemurian Frequency & Blending the Trio: Maia Francis; Creating Connection Program: Bry Wilkinson; The Galayla Collective: 6D Manifestation Programme
  14. Meditation Teacher; Spiritual Life Coaching Diploma: Inner-Wisdom Holistic Academy
  15. Certified Angel Card Reader: Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine
  16. Spirit Release, Energetic Management, Trance Mediumship, Inspirational and Automatic Writing: College of Psychic Studies
  17. The Art of Trance Mediumship: Voices of Spirit, Sarah Tyler-Walters
  18. Mindfulness Diploma: Kew Training Academy
  19. Akashic Records Diploma: Numerology Diploma; Sound Therapy Diploma; Chi Kung Diploma; Soul Retrieval Diploma; Advanced Crystal Healing Practitioner; Past Life Healing Diploma; Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Diploma; Colour Therapy Diploma; Shamanic Healing / Energy Healing Diploma; Chakra and Aura Healing Diploma; NLP Master Practitioner; Conversational Hypnosis Diploma; Meditation Teacher Diploma; Channelling Diploma; Psychic Development Diploma; Mediumship Diploma; Ancestral Healing Diploma; Spiritual Counselling Skills Diploma; Dowsing Diploma; Spiritual Life Coaching Diploma; Spirit Animals and Totems Diploma; Connecting with your Spirit Guides Diploma: Centre of Excellence (all Distinction)
  20. New Shamballa, the Diamond Light of Pure Unconditional Love; Golden Heart Merkabah Of Creation Basic & Advanced Practice; Ancestral Healing: Holistic Ruby
  21. Switching on the Energy of Atlantis at a Higher Level; 2021 Winter Solstice for Love & Freedom; What our Future Holds: Steps to 2032 the New Golden Age & then to 2050 Parts 1-3; Healing from the Pleiades; Magic School of the Higher Heart - Telepathy; Meet the Archangels; 12th Dimensional Chakras; Merlin & the Codes of Magic; Lemurian wisdom & healing; codes of 25 Ascended Masters; Illuminate Stellar Gateway & other workshops: Diana Cooper
  22. Cardinal Directions; Golden Heart Merkabah Of Creation Basic & Advanced Practise; Golden Heart Merkabah Of Creation Basic & Advanced Practise Teacher; Warrior of the Light, Master Healer & Teacher of New Shamballa; New Shamballa, the Diamond Light of Pure Unconditional Love Teacher workshop: Christine Core
  23. Certified Angel Guide; Certified Crystal Energy Guide Training; Angel Card Mastery training: Kyle Gray
  24. Advanced Master Practitioner of Shamanic Energy Medicine; Shamanic Journeying; Power Animals; The Wheels of Light; Courageous Dreaming; Grow A New Body; Energy Medicine Masters Circle: Time Masters, the practice of Infinity; The Rites of the Munay-Ki; Healing the Dark Side; Reading the Signs of Destiny; Advanced Shamanic Skills; Munay-Ki Teacher Training; 13 Moons of Wisdom; The Universe Within: an initiatory journey to your inner cosmos: Matias De Stefano: The Four Winds Society, Light Body School, Alberto Villoldo & Marcela Lobos
  25. Healing with Spiritual Light: The Shamanic Power of Transfiguration to Heal Ourselves, Each Other & the Earth: Sandra Ingerman
  26. Shamanic Earth Heart Shamanism: Shamanic Practitioner & Energy Healer 
  27. Sacred Trust: Classical Shamanic Soul Retrieval & Shamanic Extraction; The Shaman's Pathway; Classical Shamanic Psychopomp: Death, Dying & Departure; Compassionate Depossession; Shamanic Curse Unravelling; The Spirit of the Drum; Shamanic Counselling
  28. Shamanic Journey Around the Medicine Wheel; Sacred Drumming Medicine Path: Finding Peace Parts 1- 3: Steven & Renata Ash
  29. Qigong Instructor: London School of Qigong
  30. Pioneering the New Consciousness - Advanced Vibrational Techniques for the New Plane Parts 1 &2; Empowering the Divine Feminine for the New Consciousness: Reena Kumarasingham
  31. Discover Your Cosmic Blueprint: Rebecca Campbell
  32. Gong Master Training: Don Conreaux; Aidan McIntyre; Tim Byford; Yaelle Shaphir; Exploring Gong Creativity through Mathematics & Beyond: Playing by the Numbers with Grand Gong Master Don Conreaux; Global Gong Puja; How to Create the Most Resonant Gong Experience
  33. First Aid Plus Level 3 (VTQ)
  34. Diploma in BharataNatyam (Indian classical dance): Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
  35. Institute of Applied Somatics: Nervous System Regulation Practitioner Training 
  36. Tai Chi Qigong for Wellbeing & Rehabilitation: Midlands Tai Chi Rehab



General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC)

The Complementary National Healthcare Council (CNHC)

Angelic Reiki UK

The Healer Foundation

The British Complementary Medicine Association (BCMA)

International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM)

The Complementary Medical Association (CMA)

Spiritual Regression Therapy Association (SRTA)

Earth Association of Regression Therapy (EARTh)

Central Register of Stop Smoking Therapists (CRSST)

Spirit Release Forum (SRF)

College of Sound Healing (CoSH)

Sutton BusinessWomens Network (SBWN)

EMD UK Pro Membership (Qigong Instructor)

CIMSPA (The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity) Affiliate Membership


I am an accredited hypnotherapist registered with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). I am certified as a Registered Hypnotherapist with the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR) and have been accredited by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC) in the General Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice (GQHP). I obtained the Advanced Certificate in Hypnosis and Regression Therapy Diploma by the Past Life Regression Academy (PLRA). I am registered with the Central Register of Stop Smoking Therapists (CRSST) which is endorsed by the General Hypnotherapy Register. I'm an accredited qualified executive member and therapist of the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) and an IPHM approved executive training provider. I am an accredited Sound Healer or Sound Therapist and member of the College of Sound Healing.   I work to international standards set through voluntary regulation in the profession. For past life regression, this is through the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association and Earth Association of Regression Therapy. I am a member of both SRTA and EARTh.